Thursday, November 16, 2017

Using our different talents and gifts to work together in the body of Christ


Yesterday it was raining. And when I say raining, I don’t mean just a light sprinkle but it was really coming down.  Now why would I think that you would care what the weather is like in my area? Normally I wouldn’t but yesterday was the opening day of deer season.  There are men and women who were outside in this messy weather, giddy with excitement as they anticipated shooting a buck, you know, the big one; the biggest one; the one that will get them the county record.  Well, probably not, but they were excited non-the-less. And then there is me.

         Also yesterday, school just happened to be cancelled, not because of opening day, not because of a snow storm but because the heat went out in one of the school buildings.  So I sat under my cozy, fuzzy green blanket doing what I love. Writing.  I had no desire to dress up in several layers of clothing and go sit outside for who knows how long to wait for a buck crossing my path that I would probably miss if I shot at it anyway. But I did have a desire to sit in my pj’s, drink my coffee, write, and look out at the pouring rain and hear the sounds of it on my metal roof.  To me that is the epitome of relaxation and joy.

         Isn’t it amazing how we are all different? Some can’t wait to get up at 4 a.m. to gather all of their hunting gear and get out there. Other’s like me only get up at 4 a.m. to go to the bathroom and then I head straight back to bed!  Life would be boring if we were all the same and so our diversity makes life exciting.  I love going to school and hearing the adventures that the kids had hunting before they even got to school.  Funny thing is that on a normal day they can’t make it to school on time to save their lives but get them a deer license and they are bright eyed and bushy tailed at 4 or 5 a.m. 

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