Monday, March 21, 2016

Capturing that perfect moment

Today as I was looking out the window I saw a cardinal and a blue jay next to each other in the same tree.  I have been enjoying watching the birds out my window (minus the giant Woodpecker that eats ALL of the food in the feeder).  Because I love taking pictures I have lately been trying to capture those great bird moments.  I mean they aren’t dancing or anything, or holding up a wing as if saying hello but they are just there being cute almost as if they are asking for me to take their picture.

I quietly walked over to where my camera sat, picked it up, excited to take the perfect photo and…..they both flew away.  Uggg.  I so wanted that picture on this perfect, sunny spring day.  My husband always tells me to “just enjoy the moment and forget running to get the camera. Keep the picture in your mind.”  So, I guess today that’s what I did.

I do have the feeling of the sense of accomplishment when I take or get a picture of something extra special.  I recall pictures captured throughout the last year of people and events that I cherish in my heart.  My oldest son on his wedding day dancing with his mom as she cried big alligator tears is a picture that I look at and recall that special time.  I remember my son Zachary getting into his first car, a bright yellow Ford escape, smiling from ear to ear.  I have mental pictures of my husband and daughter being silly with each other, telling jokes, and going out to go skiing together.  These things I hold on to deep in my heart.  I never want to forget the time, place, sounds, and smells of where these captured shots took place.

Today a friend posted a special picture of herself with a friend on Facebook.  It was a beautiful picture, they were both dressed up and it was apparently a very special occasion.  I bet that day together was amazing for them. The reason she posted it was because it was her friend’s birthday and her friend had passed away suddenly last year.  She was looking back at one of their special times together and remembering it with fondness. After looking at that, I was reminded of just what it means to capture those perfect moments.  Yes, for her, there was that one perfect physical picture but I also know that there are many other pictures that my friend can scroll through in her mind with her best friend and have with her at any moment, for all time. 

Pictures are a wonderful thing to hold on to so that we can remember people or events.  However, I think my husband really does have the right idea about keeping those moments in our memories and holding tight to them.  I wonder today if I hadn’t have gone to get my camera but would have just stood at the window and enjoyed the moment how much nicer that “picture” would have been for me?  By nature I’m a photographer, wanting to capture those perfect moments, but I think I need to remember to live in the moment, capture it in my thoughts and memorize every detail possible for the snapshot in my mind.  Take a snapshot in your mind today and hold on to it dearly.