Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Do Not be Afraid!

I recently did a study through the Book of Luke and highlighted all of the commands of Jesus.  I’ve read the book before but this time I wanted to really focus on what Jesus said we need to do and not do.  I was amazed at the 1-4 word commands that He gave that are so powerful. 

Here are just a few:
            *Be quiet!
            *Be clean!
            *Get up
            *Follow me
            *Love your enemies
            *Be merciful
            *Do not judge
            *Don’t cry
            *Go in peace
            *Listen carefully
            *Be on your guard
            *Watch out!
            *Be alert
            *Do not worry
            *Be ready
            *humble yourselves
            *Stand Firm

I can say that just looking at that list gives me a lot of homework.  There are so many things that I need to work on when it comes to His commands.  Do I listen carefully?  Not always.  Am I merciful?  Do I really see people as Jesus did and extend that precious mercy?  I’d love to say yes, but not always.  Do I worry?  Do I WORRY?  Umm, yeah, well we will skip over that one for right now, it’s kind of hit a raw spot within. 

But the 4 words that kept coming up over and over again throughout the book of Luke were these:  DO NOT BE AFRAID.  You can find those words at least 7 times throughout the book.  I’ve always been told that when something is repeated that it’s for a reason and we need to be especially alert as to why.  So much happened throughout the book of Luke and people were being asked to do things that were hard, uncomfortable and totally unknown territory.  So Jesus simply would say, “Do not be afraid.”  In Chapter 12 Jesus talks in verse 4 about people killing the body and then he says, oh, and don’t be afraid.  Now I’m thinking, ok, Jesus, I’ve got people that are wanting to come after me and kill me and you’re telling me NOT to be afraid?  And quite simply the answer is yes.  So when things happen that are out of my control and I want to worry about them, such as how the bills will be paid or how my health will ever make a turn around, you are telling me NOT to be afraid.  And again the answer is a simple YES. 

Now it’s obvious that this is not an easy task or else Jesus wouldn’t have had to keep repeating it.  Sometimes we have to be reminded again and again of the most important things and then work hard to put them into practice.  This is not just a suggestion to us, it’s a command by Jesus.  Do not be afraid. 

But come on God, back this up for me.  Don’t just tell me to not be afraid. However the answers come if you read the other parts of the Bible.  You will see many different verses that will explain why not to be afraid. 
            Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
            Deuteronomy 3:22 Do not be afraid of them; the Lord your God himself will fight for you.
Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

My friends, life situations are tough.  We ride through rough waters daily but Jesus has given us the command not to be afraid.  May he give you the strength to rise above the fear and trust Him to fight for you!


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